Welcome to Radha Madhav Public School
The Radha Madhav Public School is a co-educational, English Medium Institution from Nursery to Standard XII. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE), New Delhi. School is located behind Rohilkhand University, Bisalpur Road, Bareilly about 1 KM. From Green Park Colony and 4 KM from Bareilly City. School provides students with a safe noise free and pollution free environment. In a campus spread over a sprawling 8 acres area.
The renowned saint and-social personality Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar Ji (known as Bhai Ji) was the founder of the Geeta Press, Gorakhpur, publisher of Indian religions and the monthly magazine ”Kalyan”. At the verge of his life in 1967, he felt that the society throughout the country must gather at a common platform so as to achieve national integration. This was possible by holding Sankirtans. In the year 1967, Bhai Ji started the Radha Madhav Sankirtan Mandals in different towns of the country including Bareilly. Sri Radha Madhav Sankirtan Mandal, Bareilly, is one of the units started at that time. It was felt that foundation of religious enlightenment should be laid since childhood, so that the future life of thought which grow under this tradition could spread the seeds of religions among others.