School Uniform & Timing

Summer Uniform
For Class : (Pre N.C - K.G)
White shirt with check collar, strip on left pocket and sleeve& flaps on shoulders, check shorts, belt, grey socks with two sky blue strips + black leather shoes with laces, Half-sleeves T-Shirt Orange, Pant-White. Boys
Grey check tunic, White shirt with check collar & strip on sleeves & belt, tie, grey socks with 2 sky blue strip + black shoes, Half-sleeves T-Shirt orange. Girls
For Class : (I-V)
Grey & White Shorts, Check half sleeve shirt with blue strip on left pocket written R.M.P.S., and houst T-Shirt (Half) belt, grey & White socks with 2 sky blue strips & black leather shoes & white P.T. shoes| with laces. Boys
For Class : (VI-XII)
Grey & white trouser, check half sleeve shirt with blue strip on left pocket written R.M.P.S. and house T-Shirt (Half), belt, grey & white socks with 2 sky blue strips & black leather & white P.T. shoes with laces. Boys
For Class : (I-VI)
Grey Tunic & White Tunic with School Monogram, Check Shirt, House T-Shirt, Belt, grey & white socks with 2 sky blue strips, black leather shoes, white P.T. Shoes, White ribbon/band. Girls
For Class : (VII-XII)
Check Kamij, White Salwar, White Cotton Chunni, White & Grey Socks with 2 sky blue strips, black leather & White P.T. shoes, white ribbon and band. Girls
Winter Uniform
For Class : (Pre N.C - K.G)
Check pant & white pant, check shirt with school monogram grey pullovers (V-neck), red jacket, grey cap, grey hand gloves, T-Shirt Full Sleeves Orange. Boys
Grey full pant, full pant white, check shirt with school monogram, grey pullover (V-neck), red jacket, grey cap, grey hand gloves, T-Shirt Full Sleeves Orange. Girls
For Class : (I-V)
Grey & White pant, check shirt with school monogram, House T-Shirt (full), Grey pullover (V-neck), red jacket, grey cap and grey hand gloves. Boys
White full pant check shirt with school monogram, grey pullover (V-neck), red jacket, grey cap, grey hand gloves, T-Shirt Full Sleeves Orange. Girls
For Class : (VI-XII)
Grey & White pant, check school shirt (full), House T-Shirt (full), Grey Pullover (V-neck), Navy Blue Blazer, Tie, Belt, Grey Cap and hand gloves. Boys
Grey & White full pant, check school shirt (for class V to VI only), check kamij, white salwar (for class VII-XII girls), grey pullover (V-neck), Navy Blue Blazer, grey cap and hand gloves, grey socks, black leather shoes, white hair band/ribbon, T-Shirt Full Sleeves Orange. Girls
Note: House Track Suit for class-VI-XII is compulsory for all.
Pre N.C., K.G. 8.10A.M. to 12.35 P.M.
I to XII 7.10A.M. to 01.15 P.M.
Pre N.C., K.G. 9.10A.M. to 01.35 P.M.
I to XII 8.10A.M. to 02.15 P.M.
Summer 9.00A.M. to 10.00A.M.
Winter 10.00A.M. to 11.00A.M.
OFFICE HOURS (For Parents / Guardian)
Summer 8.00A.M. to 12.00 P.M.
Winter 9.00A.M. to 01.00 P.M.